TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Wiring Harness replacement - 1990 TT
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Subject Wiring Harness replacement - 1990 TT
Posted by DconZ on July 06, 2015 at 12:16 PM
  This message has been viewed 306 times.
Message Well over the long drawn out engine replacement (several years now) I am staring at my brand new wiring harness and all my labeling has been lost to faded marker, missing tape you name it. The OEM harness comes with 2,4,6 coil connectors labeled however the injector connections are not coupled with these so I am staring down a bundle of connections with no clear path.

I have tried searching but coming up short on a good tech article with some pics. Does anyone have a picture of a OEM harness that would help identify the connections or a link to an article or tech write-up on this?

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